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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Blog... First Post

I've finally decided to join the twenty-first century -- so here I am, carving out a little corner of cyberspace to establish a niche for myself.

As I sat on my couch and watched the third installment of the John Adams miniseries on HBO, I couldn't help but realize how incredibly blessed we are to live in a time of such technological advancements. This particular episode focused on the time John spent apart from his family while functioning as an ambassador to France. What especially touched me was the fact that Abigail, his wife, went months without so much as a paragraph written from him. In those days, people would literally have to wait for weeks (or months) at a time to receive any sort of communication from overseas. Letters would have to be carried by hand from one party to another. Fast forward a mere 230 years, and that same bit of information is literally transmitted in the blink of an eye. How much differently would the course of the American Revolution have run had the colonists had computers, cell phones, or satellites? Or even had they had something as simple as Morse Code?

And from there, I began to take a look inward. How many times do I take these unbelievable blessings for granted? As I prepare for my mission trip to Southern Asia this summer, I know that I follow in some pretty weighty footsteps -- and I know that I have more opportunities than William Carey or William Ward could have ever dreamed of. I can hop on my computer and actually see my mother's face on my screen and hear her voice coming through my speakers. I'll be able to carry on a conversation with her as if she were sitting two feet from me -- even though she'll be half a world away.

We have truly become a global community, and with that reality comes major responsibilities. Since it is so incredibly easy to interact with my cross-cultural counterparts, I have literally lost all excuses not to fulfill Christ's Great Commission. I need to make it my absolute priority to make disciples of all nations -- and I pray daily that the Lord will strengthen me for this task.
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